TEMPORARILY OPEN MORNINGS ONLY 0900 – 1230 Monday to Saturday Enquiries: Mob. 79425561 – 21416537 #malta#wedding#photographers#photo#studio#passport#photos#visa#id#mosta#ginogaleaweddings#weddingphotographymalta#photosessions#graduations#destination#serataron#tvm#fair#transportmalta#materdei#gallery#malta#gino#galea#alisonkind#photorestoration#foto#canvas#frames#
Author Archives: Gino Galea
” I photographed Pope John Paul II on his arrival at Malta International Airport on the 4th May 2001. This photo was captured during the welcoming speech by the President of Malta Dr. Guido Demarco. At the time, his Holiness looked tired on arrival by a Syrian civil Airbus airplane. Those few minutes were indeed […]
SERATARON on TVM – Official photography by Gino Galea Photo Artist studio of Mosta
Huwa il pjacir tieghi li nospita personaggi tal kalibru ta’ Trevor Zahra, li bi hgaru kontinwament dejjem hadem sabiex jigi protett u jigi msahhah li lsien tant sabih Malti li ghaddewlna dawk ta’ qabilna. Nawgurawlu aktar hidma ghall dan il patrimonju li jidentifika lill gens Malti. trevor#zahra#portrait#portraiture#malta#wedding#photographers#photo#studio#passport#photos#visa#mosta#ginogaleaweddings#weddingphotographymalta#photosessions#graduations#destination#gino#galea#alison#kind #malta#wedding#photographers#photo#studio#passport#photos#visa#id#mosta#ginogaleaweddings#weddingphotographymalta#photosessions#graduations#destination#serataron#tvm#fair#transportmalta#materdei#gallery#malta#gino#galea#alisonkind#photorestoration#foto#canvas#frames#
” I feel very lucky to have captured this portrait of Pope John Paul II on his arrival at Malta International Airport during the welcoming speech by the President of Malta Dr. Guido Demarco. It was the 4th of May 2001. Those precious minutes provided a great opportunity for the numerous press photographers coming from […]
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Photography by Gino Galea
You may call our studio to book your CHRISTMAS PHOTOSHOOT with your family and loved ones. We’ll forward you the digital family portrait to share your festive greetings online. Studio appointments 21422371Studio:198 Eucharistic Congress Road, Mosta, Malta www.ginogalea.com
Photographer Forced to Spend Hours Photoshopping Lines From Wedding Photos, Issues Warning That Lasers Can Ruin Sensors by Jack AlexanderNovember 9, 2019 117 Comments A wedding photographer returned home to make a grim discovery: the images from the wedding she had just spent the day shooting had two lines running throughout them. Upon doing some research, she […]